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Discipling one another to be more like Christ through Bible studies, conferences, ministry events, and service opportunities.

Women of all ages should have a space to grow in God’s love.

At Ascend Church, it is our desire to help you find a place to study the Word of God and equip you to use the gifts that God has given you to impact your world for Christ.

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Ascend Women Programs

Women’s Ministry at Ascend offers a supplement to Small Group discipleship by providing unique and intentional opportunities for you to interact with other women. Periodic events, opportunities for service, and Bible studies will equip you for living a Christlike life.

Our vision for women at Ascend is going before God together and finding grace, mercy, direction, and help in times of need.

With Ascend Women, grow as sisters in Christ and live out your identity as God’s beloved daughters. Forge bonds, fight to make time for God in your busy lives, and step up to care for each other in moments of need.

Current Bible Studies

Precept: James | Monday Evenings

Join us for our Precept Upon Precept study this Fall through the book of James! This study is intensive and requires 30-45 minutes of study, 5 days a week.

What is true faith? How should you live the Christian life? Each verse of this practical study is alive with instructions, admonition, and encouragement. Learn God’s principles for dealing with trials, temptations, the tongue, and the pull of the world.

We will meet on Monday nights from 6-8pm starting Sept. 9th through Nov. 25th.

You will order your own workbook HERE and bring it our first week, along with your Bible and colored pencils. (See attached syllabus for other materials to put your study book together). There is no need to have the first lesson completed on 9/9.

We will be meeting on the following dates: 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/11, 11/18, 11/25, and 12/2 makeup day if needed.

Register Here

Remember Your Joy | Wednesday Mornings

We’d love to have you join us for 10 weeks of study through the Old Testament with Remember your Joy by Courtney Doctor and Melissa Kruger. We will be starting on September 18th and wrapping up on November 20th. We will be meeting on Wednesday mornings from 9-11am at Ascend.

Childcare is available for a fee. Ascend’s own Kayla Bloodworth wrote a children’s curriculum specific to this study–that means the kids will study the same stories that their moms will be studying! You will be able to register through a link in the confirmation email (**Do not register your children here–watch for the separate link!**)

Here is a description of the study:
This seven-week Bible study, with an emphasis on biblical theology, traces the promise from Genesis 3:15 through seven Old Testament stories. Each chapter – Noah and the ark, Abraham and Isaac, Moses with the manna and water from the rock, the serpent on the pole, Rahab and the spies, David and Goliath, and David and Mephibosheth – gives us a glimpse, a foreshadowing, of the greater salvation Jesus wins. In each encounter, we’ll see how God faithfully fulfilled his promise as he prepared us for the ultimate offspring who brought our eternal salvation.

Each story will be accompanied by a symbol that represents an aspect of our salvation. These symbols are intended to be visual reminders of spiritual truths. David once wrote: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation” (Ps. 51:12). Our hope is that you will remember the joy of your salvation – and praise the One who accomplished it – as you consider the battle he won on your behalf.

You will need to purchase your book ahead of time. Here is the link to purchase on Amazon. Please bring your book on September 18th for our kickoff!

Study Dates: 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20

*We will be continuing our rotation this fall on Wednesday mornings where every participant will take 1 turn serving in childcare. This will give us an opportunity to love on our fellow sisters and their children in our community. It will also relieve our church of the large financial burden to hire more childcare workers. We will be recording the teachings so that your discussion group can catch up on what you miss while serving.***

Register Here

Serve with Ascend Women

If you are interested in getting involved or serving with the Ascend Women’s Ministry team, email msalts@ascendkc.org!

I Want to Serve
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