Ascend collects electronic payments through our online portal, as well as cash or check payments in-person on Sunday mornings.
The leadership at Ascend Church will faithfully steward your gift by using these resources to ensure that we plant churches, strengthen leaders, and devote our ministry efforts toward seeing lost people saved, saved people matured, and mature people multiplied…all to the glory of God!
Frequently Asked Questions
How frequently will payments be withdrawn from my account?
If you choose to donate regularly, you can set up an automatic withdrawal once monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly.
Can I donate stock to Ascend Church?

Ascend Church has partnered with the National Christian Foundation (NCF) to facilitate gifts of stock and mutual funds.
Step 1. Complete the letter of authorization.
Step 2. Email a copy of the above to National Christian Foundation at If you prefer, fax NCF at: 888-672-7302
Step 3. Provide the form to your own broker. If your financial institution requires use of their own form please provide them with the following instructions:
Deliver all DTC eligible securities to:
DTC Clearing 0226
National Financial Services, LLC
For the account of National Christian Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Account Number 479-048720
What can I give towards specifically?
• General (Tithes & Offerings): Gifts towards this fund are for general church giving and are not designated towards a specific ministry.
• Kids Ministry
• Student Ministry: Gifts to this fund provide financial assistance to families who desire to send their children to Youth Camps and other activities but lack the financial resources to do so.
• Bucharest, Romania Church
• Benelovence
• Forward Together: These gifts go toward paying off the loan for the new building project.
• Thanksgiving
• Young Adult
What exactly is tithing?
Tithing is commanded of us in the Bible. It sounds more confusing than it is – “tithe” means “tenth.” Simply put, tithing is giving the first 10% of your income to the church, before taking out any other payments – including taxes. Tithing is investing in your church, community, and the Kingdom.
Where can I donate?
Use our online giving portal or donate in-person on Sunday at Ascend Church. You can place your donation in the black boxes near the doors at the back of the auditorium.