Want to visit Ascend Church?
Here’s what to expect when you come to church!

15865 S. Ridgeview Road
Sunday mornings
8:00, 9:30, & 11:00am
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Can’t make it in person? Join us for our livestream on Sunday at 9:30am!
What is a Sunday at Ascend like?
While worship is something that we can do in every part of our lives, our Sunday gatherings are an essential part of Christ-centered discipleship. Each week, we gather to worship God through singing, hearing His word preached, and fellowshipping with one another.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I bring?
Each Sunday, we go through the Bible verse-by-verse and chapter-by-chapter. While it’s not required, you can bring a Bible with you to follow along! If you don’t have one, we also have Bibles located in the auditorium seats that you can use and even take home with you.
What should I wear?
At Ascend, you’ll see a diverse array of clothes and styles – from Sunday best to jeans and t-shirts! We believe God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7), so you’re invited to come as you are and wear what is comfortable for you.
What is a worship service like at Ascend?
Each Sunday, we sing a few worship songs together and hear a message directly from the Bible. Our messages are based on expository preaching – which means we dive into the Bible to seek what the original author intended to say, what the text reveals about God, and how we can apply those truths in our lives today. Services last for about an hour and a half.
What is your music like?
Each Sunday, we sing a blend of contemporary worship songs with traditional hymns set in a modern style. You can expect to hear songs with theologically rich lyrics that are taken directly from Scripture.
Do I need to give money during the service?
While we do include a time in our worship services for our regular members to give tithes and offerings to the local church, guests are not expected or required to participate.
What programs do you have for my kids?
Our Ascend Kids program provides a caring, safe, and fun environment for kids, from birth to 5th grade. Classes meet during both Sunday morning service times, and provide an age-appropriate place for kids to learn about God, the Bible, and how it impacts their lives.
How can I check in to Ascend Kids?
- Check in at the Children’s Center to the right of our entrance.
- Take two labels – one for your child and one to keep with you.
- The number on your label will appear on the stage screen if your child needs you – if that happens, proceed directly to the Children’s Center.
- To check your child out at the end of the service, please return to the Children’s Center and provide your label to the classroom teacher.
What if my baby starts crying during the service?
We have a room for parents located on the back west side of our auditorium.