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Come and bring your son or sons to Finley Farms for an overnight adventure, full of food, fellowship and the great outdoors!

Arrive Friday night at 6pm and enjoy spending time with men of Christ and encouraging our boys to be men of God!

Campfire with worship, devotion and fun light snacks provided. Then sleep under the stars or in a tent enduring the night together.

In the morning some father son(s) devotion time is encouraged.
Breakfast will then be provided.

After breakfast, we’ll enjoy some fun and games until everyone’s had their fill.

We’ll end around 1-2 pm, break camp and rest up for Sunday from a great exhausting weekend.

What to bring:

  • Water 2-3 Gallons or Bottles
  • Sleeping Bag(s)
  • Flash light
  • Tent
  • Change of clothes
  • Hat
  • Coffee cup
  • Water Bottle
  • Favorite Game
  • Roasting Skewer
  • Ear plugs to cover the Snoring… LOL!
  • Bug Spray
  • Rain Jacket/Poncho…you never know…
  • Bring your Bibles!!!

Parking Location – Found HERE.
NOTE: You will be shuttled to the camp area less than a quarter of a mile away.

Any questions, please reach out to Matt Toll at 913-215-8900.

In Christ,
Ascend Men’s Ministry

RegistrationCall Matt
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