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3 Services at Ascend

GOOD — God's Opportunity ... Our Dedication

Over the past few years, Ascend has been in an exceptional growth phase.

The evidence is seen every Sunday in our worship center and in our kids’ ministry, both bursting at the seams. With everyone walking through our doors, we want to see lost people saved, saved people matured, and mature people multiplied all to the glory of God.

When there is no room for people to sit and learn, that mission fails.

The leaders see three main expansion points for Ascend. Building growth and church planting naturally provide additional space for weekly service, but they require planning and time, and should not be rushed.

Adding an additional service is the strongest relief valve for Ascend’s space issues today.

Pastor Jeff recently detailed the excitement around the growth God has directed for Ascend, and how we plan to steward it:

The three-service approach looks like this: Beginning September 17, Ascend will offer three services for Sunday morning worship—8:00, 9:30 and 11:00am. Each service will offer full kids’ ministry (birth to 3rd grade) to allow parents to freely choose their service time. A new offering for 4th and 5th graders will launch during the 8:00am service as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will be different about the services?

To accommodate the new times, the service length will decrease to 1 hour and 15 minutes (on average), a decrease of 15 minutes. This may result in one fewer worship song or shorter or modified announcement times but will not decrease Ascend’s digging into God’s word. You should expect sermon times to remain about the same.

How will this impact Ascend Kids Ministry?

As noted above, the kids’ ministry will experience some exciting changes, including the breakout of the 4th and 5th graders into a more advanced (Ascend Student Ministries) approach. The rest of the kids’ ministry should just have more room for the kids and teachers to focus on individual needs in a purposeful manner.

Will the same preacher deliver all three messages?

Yes. While other churches have chosen to have environmental or thematic shifts from different service times, Ascend’s three services will all appear similar and focus on expositional preaching. No matter the time you select each week, you will experience the same type of service and depth of preaching.

Are there additional volunteer opportunities?

Yes! There are already plenty of opportunities for people to be a part of the ministries of Ascend, and the additional service time will open up even more.

With a growing church like Ascend, serving opportunities extend beyond Sunday morning. Areas such as Small Groups, Soul Care, and the men’s and women’s ministry also offer opportunities to serve.

Learn About Opportunities to Serve

How can I be praying during this transition?

Most importantly, please pray that Ascend continues in its God-honoring mission to see lost people saved, saved people matured, and mature people multiplied all to the glory of God. That plays out in how we transition all of our ministries to serve the new people coming on Sundays. Secondly, Ascend has enjoyed a closeness over the years and having three separate worship options may further separate attendees on Sunday mornings. Pray with us that everyone coming to Ascend connects by worshiping, walking, and working together.

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